Wednesday, May 6, 2015

SB-Unit 7
1b     2b     3a     4b
1.       I get my hair cut usually professionally. I get my hair cut once a week.
2.        I had a friend cut my hair. It turned out awesome.
3.       I have a car. I get my car fixed at workshop.
4.        If I had a flat tire, I would get someone to change it.
5.        Yes, I take a lot of clothes to the dry cleaners. It is too expensive to get things cleaned.
6.        I iron my own clothes.  I get my mother to iron things for me.
7.        I do not do my own painting at home.  I have it done by a professional.
8.        I have people come to the house to repair things. They repair electics.

1.    The brakes need to be adjusted. The brakes need adjusting.
2.    Maybe the memory needs to be upgraded. Maybe the memory needs updating.
3.    I can’t make any calls right now because my cell phone needs to be recharged. I can’t make any calls right now because my cell phone needs charging.
4.    The batteries need to be replaced constantly. The batteries need replacing constantly.
5.    The bulb needs to be changed or tightened. The bulb needs changing or tightening.
6.    Maybe the filter needs to be cleaned. Maybe the filter needs cleaning.

  1. “The microwave isn’t working. Nothing’s happening. It won’t turn on.”
  2. “The refrigerator is leaking. And there’s a leak in the door.”
  3. “The standing lamp keeps flickering on and off. And I got a shock from it.”
  4. “The door handle is loose. If it falls off, we won’t be able to open the door.”
  5. “The ceiling fan is making a funny noise.”
  6. “There are DVD’s all over the counter, and they’re all scratched.”
  7. “That curtain is torn. And look-there’s a big hole in the other one.”
  8. “There’s a coffee stain on the floor.”
  9. “The clock is a half hour slow. Actually, I think it stopped. The battery must be dead.”

A: Need this screwdriver? here
B: Thanks. Can’t get this shelf.
A: Want me to get it?
B: Yes, thanks. You’ve got time?
A: Yes… OK. Done. Need help anything else?
B: Thank you, No. Like a drink?
A: Love one. You got any green tea?

  1. You drop a hammer on your toe. Ow!
  2. You miss a call on your cell phone. Oh, no!
  3. You spill coffee on the table. Oops!
  4. A friend tells you how she broke her arm. Ouch!
  5. You realized you just missed a class. Uh-oh!
  6. You put too much sugar in your coffee. Yuck!

1b     2d     3e     4c     5a
  1. Because applicants with good problem-solving skills usually have positive personality traits, such as patience, independence, and curiosity.
  2. Because your answer will demonstrate your problem-solving ability.
  3. Good problem solvers have self-esteem, competence, and responsible attitude toward decision making.
  4. Albert Einstein generated multiple solutions.
  5. I must think rigidly, or “outside the box”. I shouldn’t criticize myself or feel embarrassed by any errors.


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