Wednesday, May 6, 2015

SB-Unit 5
  1. Phil: It’s supposed to be really warm.
  2. Sue: Brad isn’t supposed to eat chaocolate.
  3. Patty: I’m supposed to get up early tomorrow.
  4. Anna: I’m supposed to be working on a paper.
  5. Patty: Jen and Martin were supposed to be here by 7:00.
  6. Sue: I was going to make a dessert, but I didn’t.

  1. Something must be done about junk e-mail.
  2.  People ought to be arrested for sending spam. 
  3. Something have to be about all the bus and in subways. 
  4. People shouldn't be allowed to eat food on public transportation. 
  5. People ought to be fined for making noise after midnight. 
  6. People shouldn't be  allowed to buy fireworks. 
  7. All movies shouldn't be banned with violent scenes.
  8.  People could encouraged to stop smoking if there were more anti-smoking laws.
  9.  Smoking could easily be banned in all public place nobody would complain.  
  10. Children shouldn't be allowed to quit school until they are 18.

Then decide on three laws that should be passed.
Then decide on that people ought to be allowed to do.
1. What's the right penalty foe jaywalking?                                                 -8
2. Should be arrest drivers who get caught speeding?                                 -7
3. What should happen if you get caught shoplifting from a store?            -1
4. How should vandals be punished?                                                           -5
5. What punishment should you get for robbing someone?                      -3
6. What should you happen to someone who is convicted of burglary?     -6   
7. What kind of sentence should you get for kidnapping?                          -4
8. Should all murderers be sentenced to life in prison?                             -2
1.shoplifting             2.shoplifter
 1.jaywalking            2.jaywalker
1.vandalism              2.vandal
1.robbery                 2.robber 
3.burglary               3.burglar
1.kidnapping           2.kidnapper
1.murder                 2.murderer
1.    People who commit murder usually get sentenced to life in prison.
2. If you get caught shoplifting, you usually get gone to jail.
3. If a person commits burglary for the first time, he or she gets put on probation.
1. be punished, be sentenced
2. get caught, be videotaped
 3. get stopped, be enforced
4. get caught, don’t get sent
5. get caught, get arrested,  not get convicted
6. be given, get  put
They help the police solve crimes.  
They make people feel safer.
They’re intrusive.
  1. That's true, but I think they should also be made to take more driving lessons
  2. That's true, you've got a point. I never thought of it that way
  3. That's true, but I think also government should pay attention to the children  
  4. That's true, but I think, I only will go to the beach. I'll go another place
  5. That's true, you've got a point. I never thought of it that way.

  1. must have 
  2. of people 
  3. prevent corporate
  4. a cam-phone user 
  5. localized bans 
  6. site
  7. civil-liberties 

Snap-snapshot, prompted-quick, institute-limitation, prohibited-criminal, prevent-to stop, halt-to limp, nabbed-to arrest, shooting- to photograph
-  Many of the photographs put on the internet 
-  The places that have banned cam phones are several large companies, schools courthouses and gyms.
Because; People do illegal thing with cam phones. 
-  People need to be careful in public place.
 Because, people take pictures and put images on the internet.

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